Mentorship Program
To positively impact the careers of FA/FT by providing professional support and learning opportunities that promote career development and progression through sharing aviation experience, professional advice, knowledge and guidance for transitional FA from the commercial sector and initial FA/FT starting new in the aviation sector.
By providing initial and transitional FA/FT with consistent, caring mentors, they will learn valuable skills unique to the corporate aviation sector. Mentors will learn how to use teachable moments to illustrate these values.
To help initial and transitional FA/FT to expand their current, skills, enhance their training, increase communication/CRM, establish career progression, and expand importance of third crew member.
Mentors will be part of a team that takes responsibility to provide professional support, guidance and advice to the mentee. Mentors will invest their time in listening, building trust, establishing a relationship, supporting and guiding the mentees.
Program Guidelines:
The pairs will communicate weekly via email, telephone, video chat or when possible face-to-face. In addition to weekly contact, when possible, communication prior and after “initial” first trip for the mentee is preferred. Initial mentorship between the mentor and mentee will be for 12 months. If both parties agree to extended or terminated the mentorship agreement, a letter of reason will be submitted to the Advisory Group for approval. Mentors and mentees must attend a training session prior to a mentorship pairing. This training will be available online, webinar or in-class (provided twice year).
Mentors and mentees must complete written applications. Mentors must meet the criteria established by the Advisory Group prior to submitting application.
Participants will also benefit from the following:
ï‚· Mentees: The program will help initial and transitional FA/FT to develop skills, expand professional knowledge of aviation duties, regulations and procedures, career progression opportunities, networking, increase confidence, communication and build a a strong foundation for safety, CRM, and standards.
ï‚· Mentors: In addition to providing mentors with the satisfaction of giving back to their community, workplace mentoring can help build career morale, improve communication, improve productivity, create strong foundations for new careers, and contribute to overall job satisfaction.
Contact Information:
ï‚· Program Coordinator (Advisory Group)
ï‚· How do mentors/mentees sign up? Click Here